Webinar: Tariffs & Supply Chain Headwinds Impacting Private Equity-Backed Companies - TriVista

Webinar: Tariffs & Supply Chain Headwinds Impacting Private Equity-Backed Companies

TriVista – Tariffs and Supply Chain Headwinds in 2019 and Beyond

New tariff policies, rapidly rising labor costs in Asian manufacturing centers, dramatic raw material price variations by country, currency exchange rate volatility, and recent government environmental cleanup policies are redefining the winners and losers in many industries. These changes are presenting challenges to investors, both, pre-and post-transaction.

In this webinar, TriVista’s Supply Chain Practice leader Scott Sparks discusses how private equity investors and corporate executives can evaluate the impact of recent tariffs, supply market volatility, and design supply chain strategies to combat these headwinds. Speaking from a global perspective, he will elaborate on supply chain trends in China, Mexico, and beyond.

At the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the impact of tariffs, rising labor costs and volatility in other supply costs
  • Develop strategies to combat these headwinds
  • Assess the tariff impact on target acquisitions
  • Understand how global supply chain strategy can become a powerful competitive weapon in the current environment

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